The Derividactory
Radio/Phonograph/Tape Deck,
Spoken Word, Housation
The Derividactory is electro/acoustic music and performance art. Here, the opportunity exists to showcase outrageous humor, while simultaneously expressing deeply felt political values and beliefs. Along with baritone,Charles performs using a phonograph/radio/tape deck device, pitted against Christian’s computer sample abilities.
The Derividactory’s ulitmate goal is to create a unique musical and artistic experience. At any given time, the music can fluctuate from powerful, extended techniques to delicate, introspective minimalism. Christian has become increasingly adept at live sampling of anything Charles throws at him. At any given time, the sonic landscape can consist of baritone, trombone, other people’s recordings, spoken word utilizing the language of Charle, and political rhetoric.
Trusting each other’s improvisational decisions, the Derividactory attempt to exploit their obvious contradictions to strive for genuine individuality. Their political pieces consist of the insertion of heart-felt values and beliefs that are varied and distorted many times beyond recognItion. The final result is a collage sound structure that entails elements of the original voice sample or sound fragment. Indeed, it requires intense concentration to decipher the individual elements respectfully.
Humor has become a hallmark of the Derividactory, both on recording and in live performance. Taking live radio and/or spoken word fragments out of context creates a nonsensically dry humorous experience across any given improvisation.
Live performances may vary from serious acoustic improvisation to performance art concepts. Charles will utilize a crazy stage presence, often consisting of a struggle to find certain antagonistic samples recorded on his vast, disorganized cassette tape selection. He will even go so far as to intentionally evoke anger and uncomfortableness from his stellar sidekick. Vinyl records are literally scattered and thrown across the stage, as he sifts through the volumes of recorded and written material he brings to each show. This disorganization is beautifully countered by the smooth and in control Pincock, through his
mastery of his computer samples.
Charles’s conservative beliefs are showcased through his AM radio samples as well as his body-building theme. This muscular approach entails undertones of America’s rugged and controversial super-power status. Protein bars, weight-belts, and American flags grace the stage in Evans’s corner, with Pincock again countering with a gay-pride flag, liberal NPR counter-arguments, and decadent beer consumption. Indeed, the existence of a conservative free improviser in partnership with a gay liberal is the epitome of individuality, and sheds in-site into both parties’ open-mindedness.
"Complete freedom exists within the Derividactory. Christian and I are opposites in every way, literally, and this makes a perfect match. Deeply held political values (which express varied opinions regarding the tumultuous times we live in), are inserted within the music, only to be undermined by the collage/sound structures and extended instrumental techniques that each of us use at any given time. Anything can happen at a Derividactory show, from beautiful minimalism to outrageous Schwarzennegger-inspired live bodybuilding/flexing, to extensive jingoism/patriotism vs. pinko/liberalism."
Listen to live, constantly updated samples of this exciting duo at!!